How to create outdoor privacy for your garden
There are many cost effective ways to add privacy to your outdoor area, that...

How to cook on a charcoal spit roaster
Charcoal spit roasters are most commonly used to rotisserie cook meat...

How to build a dog kennel
Everybody deserves a good solid roof over their head...

Outdoor Heating Options for Your Home
Enjoy your backyard year-round with the right outdoor heating options. Take...

What’s the difference between oil based and water based decking coatings?
It’s a common frustration that we hear about time and time again. Reinforced by...

How to restore a grey and weathered deck in one day
Weather takes its toll on timber! Sun and moisture can make it go grey, start to split and crack...

How to Install A Clothesline
Clotheslines are essential in every home, and a fold down clothesline will allow you...

How to finish a new timber deck in one day
So you’ve built the deck and think you’ve got to wait 4-6 weeks for the timber to weather...

Create a barbecue accessories and herb stand for your outdoor kitchen
Create your backyard kitchen with an accessories and herb stand...

How to plan the perfect deck
Transform your yard with your perfect space to dine and entertain...