Create a barbecue accessories and herb stand for your outdoor kitchen

Make your backyard kitchen even more impressive and practical with this nifty accessories and herb stand. You’ll no longer need to dart to the fridge while cooking when all your garnishes are growing right beside you!

And it’s not all that hard when you get the right gear from your local Mighty Helpful Mitre 10.

Materials list: 

  • Mitre 10 Outdoor Barbecue Kitchen
  • 1200mm of 20mm x 70mm Natural Pine Decking
  • Decorative Outdoor Screen
  • 20mm x 45mm decking
  • 45mm Screws
  • Planters with Hooks
  • Debco Potting Mix
  • Herbs of Choice
  • S-Hooks
  • Spatula
  • Tongs
  • Drill
  • Gloves
  • Circular Saw

Step 1: Prepare your screen

First up, drill four 3mm holes in your screen using your 3mm drill bit. Two holes will need to be about 20mm in from the bottom corners of the screen. The other two holes will need to line up with the centre of the benchtop frame. Make these 20mm in from the sides of the screen at your desired height. These holes will anchor your screen to the barbecue kitchen.

Your screen will sit vertically against your barbecue kitchen, anchored into the frame underneath the benchtop and lower shelf. We’ll be using battens to pack the gap between the frames and the screen.

Step 2: Cut your timber 

Using a circular saw, cut two pieces of 20mm x 70mm Natural Pine Decking, 600mm in length to use as battens. Or, if you’re using a different screen, the pieces need to be the same width as the screen you’ve chosen. These pieces will help us mount the screen to the outdoor kitchen without interfering with the shelf and benchtop overhang.

Step 3: Mount your screen

Mount your battens to the barbecue bench. We will be mounting these underneath the lip of the benchtop and shelf of your outdoor kitchen using 45mm screws, Aquadhere glue and a drill. These will make the frame flush with the edge of the benchtop and bottom shelf. Then use four 45mm screws and your drill to mount the screen.

Step 4: Fill and hang your planters 

Fill your two hanging planters with premium potting mix and herbs of your choice. Then hook them onto the screen. Finally, hang S-hooks to the screen – these provide a handy spot to hang your cooking utensils.