How to Paint Concrete

A floor of old concrete can make spaces such as driveways, sheds and garages look drab, but a lick of paint can provide a quick and effective refresh. If there are any stains on the floor that you have previously had trouble removing, then a total repaint could also be your best option.

And it’s not all that hard when you get the right gear from your local Mighty Helpful Mitre 10.

Materials list

Step 1: Clear and clean the space

If your floor is plain concrete, start by removing all furniture, tools and storage from your garage. Then give the floor a good sweep with a stiff-bristled broom before going over the surface with a high-pressure cleaner.

If your floor is covered with carpet, tiling or something else, you will need to remove the floor covering before cleaning the concrete floor.

Step 2: Apply an acid wash

To prep the concrete, pour Berger Jet Dry Active Clean into a bucket and scrub it into the concrete using a stiff broom. Complete this step twice, leaving a 15-minute gap in between coats to allow the mixture to sink in and dislodge any stubborn stains that may impact the paint’s ability to stick to the surface, such as fresh oil and grease. Rinse it thoroughly with your high-pressure cleaner and leave the surface to dry.

Depending on the state of your concrete, you may need to dilute the mixture. Follow the directions on the packaging for dilution.

Step 3: Apply a concrete etcher

Test your concrete to see whether it’s ready to start painting. To do this, splash water on the dried surface. If the concrete absorbs the water droplets, you’re ready to start painting, but if the water sits on the surface, you’ll need to use Berger Jet Dry Active Etch to roughen the surface and provide a good base for the paint to stick to.

Pour Berger Jet Dry Active Etch into a bucket and combine with water as directed. Scrub it into the surface with the stiff broom and leave it to sink in for 10 minutes. Rinse the surface thoroughly with your high-pressure cleaner and leave to dry thoroughly.

Step 4: Paint your concrete

Mask off any areas you want to keep free of paint. Then begin painting your garage floor with Berger Jet Dry HD Gloss using a roller. This is a hard-wearing paint specially formulated for driveways and garages. Depending on your desired finish, you may need a few coats. We recommend a minimum of two. Leave the surface to dry between applications and before moving any furniture or vehicles back into the garage.

For more Mighty Helpful service and advice, speak to the team at your local Mighty Helpful Mitre 10.